Character Introduction.

I'm 2/3s in for the writing on the script and i finished drawing all the characters, so i thought it would be a good occasion to introduce some of them to you!

Carmella Gattaladra

Mariuccha's domestic cat, and the protagonist of this story. She has a heart of gold, but she's also arguably not the most qualified person to handle a murder investigation.


One of Mariuccha's two current husbands. He never loved her and she never loved him. The reasons of their marriage are unknown.


Mariuccha's second husband. Used to own a big tech company, the main reason Mariuccha wanted to marry him. After it went bankrupt Mariuccha tried to divorce him, but ultimately couldn't.

Mahkklen Piktasukunimi

Easily Mariuccha's most hated business rival. They have a weird relationship, of which the details are a mistery to most, even Mariuccha's immediate family.

Mirage Gwendal

Mariuccha's adoptive daughter. Everything about her whole existence, from why she looks like she does to the whereabouts of her biological parents is shrouded in mistery.


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